Advertising Information - Aumsville Newsletter

The Aumsville Newsletter comes out monthly near the beginning of the month.  It is delivered to over 1350 homes and businesses.

Would you like to advertise in our newsletter?

Ad prices per issue:

  • 1/4 page = Black & White $30 / *Full Color $75
  • 1/2 page = Black & White $40 / *Full Color $125
  • Full page = Black & White $75 / *Full Color $250
  • *Color ads are available only as space allows.

The deadline for requesting advertising space is the 10th of the month prior to the issue you wish to place an ad. Ad copy and payment is required no later than the 15th of the month prior. 

Color ad space is limited, contact for availability. 

Contact Celia Lemhouse at 503-749-2030 or